Oral Presentation
1. Shiwoo Lee, Seuhee Lee, Soo-Hyun Kim, and Sang-Eui Lee. (2023). Enhanced mechanical 
      properties of C/SiC controlled by cellulose nanofiber (CNF). The 11th International Conference 
      on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites (HT-CMC), Republic of Korea.
2. Sebastian Spitzer, David Schelgela, Linus Tönnishoff, Shiwoo Lee, Sang-Eui Lee, and Maik Gude. 
     (2022). Improvement Potential for CFRP Pressure Vessels to Reach Future Required 
     Gravimetric Storage Densities. Composites Meet Sustainability - Proceedings of the 20th European 
     Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM 20), Switzerland.
3. Donghoon Kang, Heonyoung Kim, Shiwoo Lee, and Sang-Eui Lee. (2020). Cost-Saving 
     Manufacturing Technology of Composite Laminate Panels for Railway Vehicle. The Korean 
     Society for Urban Railway, Republic of Korea